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2 posts tagged with "plugin"

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ESLint Plugin Hub

· 2 min read
Lakin Mohapatra
Tech Lead @ Mindfire Solutions
Anand Kumar
Software Engineer @ Mindfire Solutions

@mindfiredigital/eslint-plugin-hub is a collection of powerful custom ESLint rules designed to help you enforce consistent coding standards and best practices across your JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular, and Vue.js projects.

This plugin enforces naming conventions, file structure, and function complexity rules, ensuring that your code remains clean, scalable, and maintainable.

Why Choose ESLint Plugin Hub for Your JavaScript Projects?

· One min read
Anand Kumar
Software Engineer @ Mindfire Solutions

Why ESLint Plugin Hub?

When building large-scale JavaScript projects, maintaining consistent code quality is essential. The @mindfiredigital/eslint-plugin-hub is designed to solve this challenge by enforcing best practices in naming conventions, file organization, and function structure. It provides a robust set of rules for JavaScript, React, Angular, and more, helping developers write cleaner, more readable, and maintainable code.