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eslint-plugin-hub is a comprehensive ESLint plugin designed to help enforce code quality and consistency across various JavaScript and TypeScript projects. The plugin provides a set of custom linting rules that help developers maintain a high standard of coding practices while adhering to specific conventions for general, React, and Angular projects.

By integrating eslint-plugin-hub into your workflow, you can enforce strict naming conventions, file structure guidelines, and other coding best practices. This plugin allows teams to maintain cleaner codebases, minimize bugs, and improve collaboration.

Key Features

  • General Rules: A wide range of rules for common coding standards such as naming conventions, file structure, and variable declarations, applicable to any JavaScript or TypeScript project.
  • React-Specific Rules: Enforce coding standards specific to React applications, ensuring best practices for component structure, hook usage, and JSX formatting.
  • Angular-Specific Rules: Enforce Angular-specific coding conventions, ensuring consistency in component, service, and module development.
  • Customizable Options: Each rule is configurable, allowing you to tailor the plugin to your project’s unique needs.
  • TypeScript Support: Out-of-the-box support for linting TypeScript files (.ts and .tsx), ensuring that both JavaScript and TypeScript projects maintain the same level of quality and consistency.

Why Use eslint-plugin-hub?

The primary goal of eslint-plugin-hub is to provide an all-in-one solution for maintaining code quality and consistency in JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Here are some reasons why you should integrate this plugin into your development workflow:

  • Enforce Consistent Coding Standards: Ensure that your entire team follows the same rules and standards across different projects, reducing the risk of bugs and increasing code readability.
  • Improved Collaboration: By enforcing uniform practices, code reviews become easier, and team members can collaborate more effectively.
  • React and Angular Focused: Tailored rules for React and Angular development help streamline coding practices for component-based architectures, reducing boilerplate and avoiding common pitfalls.
  • Highly Configurable: Each rule can be customized to fit your project's specific needs, whether you're enforcing naming conventions, limiting the number of function parameters, or standardizing folder and file naming.
  • Increased Code Quality: Consistent, clean code helps prevent bugs and makes future refactoring or scaling of the codebase easier.

Available Rule Categories

The plugin is divided into three main categories:

  • General Rules: Applies to all JavaScript and TypeScript projects, ensuring consistency in code structure, naming conventions, and code formatting.
  • React Rules: Ensures best practices in React development, covering component naming, hooks, and JSX syntax.
  • Angular Rules: Focuses on Angular-specific guidelines, including consistent naming and structure for components, services, and modules.

Each category comes with a set of rules that you can enable or configure based on your project’s needs.


This plugin provides the following rules:

vars-camelcaseEnforces camelCase naming convention for variables.true
vars-descriptiveEnforces variable names to start with a verb.false
class-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for class names.true
filename-kebabcaseEnforces kebab-case naming convention for filenames.true
function-camelcaseEnforces camelCase naming convention for function names.true
function-descriptiveEnforces function names to start with a verb.false
react-component-name-match-filenameEnforces that React component names match their filenames.false
react-filename-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for React component.false
angular-no-forbidden-servicesDisallows the use of forbidden Angular services.true
angular-no-unused-inputsDisallows unused inputs in Angular components.false
angular-no-direct-dom-manipulationDisallows direct DOM manipulation in Angular.true
angular-limit-inputEnforces a limit on the number of inputs in Angular.false
angular-filenamingEnforces naming conventions for Angular files.true
file-kebabcaseEnforces kebab-case naming convention for files.true
max-lines-per-fileEnforces a maximum number of lines per file.false
max-lines-per-functionEnforces a maximum number of lines per function.false
consistent-returnEnforces consistent return statements.true
max-function-paramsEnforces a maximum number of parameters per function.true
no-single-character-varsDisallows single character variable names.true
vars-lowercaseEnforces lowercase naming convention for variables.false
folder-lowercaseEnforces lowercase naming convention for folders.true
file-lowercaseEnforces lowercase naming convention for filenames.true
folder-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for folders.true
folder-kebabcaseEnforces kebab-case naming convention for folders.true
folder-camelcaseEnforces camelCase naming convention for folders.true
file-camelcaseEnforces camelCase naming convention for filenames.true
function-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for function names.true
file-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for filenames.true
vars-snakecaseEnforces snake_case naming convention for variables.true
vars-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for variables.true
class-pascalcaseEnforces PascalCase naming convention for classes.true
function-camelcaseEnforces camelCase naming convention for functions.true
function-descriptiveEnforces descriptive names for functions.false
vars-camelcaseEnforces camelCase naming convention for variables.true
vars-descriptiveEnforces descriptive names for variables.false

With eslint-plugin-hub, you can streamline your codebase, enforce best practices, and ensure that your project maintains a high level of quality across different JavaScript and TypeScript frameworks.