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Interactive ESLint Plugin Hub Demo

· 2 min read
Anand Kumar
Software Engineer @ Mindfire Solutions

@mindfiredigital/eslint-plugin-hub is a powerful tool that enforces consistent coding practices across your JavaScript, React, Angular, and TypeScript projects.

What does this plugin do?

It automatically checks your code for common errors and enforces best practices, like proper naming conventions and code organization. This helps keep your code clean, readable, and maintainable.

Key Features of the Plugin

  • Naming Conventions: Enforces PascalCase for classes, camelCase for variables, and kebab-case for filenames.
  • Function Complexity: Restricts the number of lines per function and limits the number of function parameters.
  • Consistency: Ensures that your entire team follows the same coding standards.

Try an Example of an ESLint Rule

Let's take a look at how @mindfiredigital/eslint-plugin-hub enforces naming conventions. Here's a small piece of code:

class userprofile {
getuserdata() {
return 'data';

This code violates the PascalCase naming convention for class names and the camelCase convention for function names.

Correct Code

Here’s how the code should look after applying the rules enforced by the plugin:

class UserProfile {
getUserData() {
return 'data';

By using @mindfiredigital/eslint-plugin-hub, your team can ensure that everyone writes code in a uniform way, making it easier to read and maintain.

Feel free to play around with these rules in your project by installing the plugin:

npm install @mindfiredigital/eslint-plugin-hub --save-dev


Consistent code not only helps avoid errors but also makes onboarding new developers easier. With this ESLint plugin, you can enforce these best practices automatically.